Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Salam and hye everbody…once again, meet you in this seventh entry. This week was not very much to tell. It was just focus on Module 1…in this 3 hour lesson; we were given our own space to complete the module 1. Therefore, I took some opportunities to ask a few questions regarding to Module 1.

The sue date is just around the corner. Now, I want to focus more on this module 1 besides than other subjects. Well, the time is approaching, and the stress also has become a major issue in this week. I believe other members also feel the same feeling. But, somehow I felt enjoy during this week when at the same time I can gain a lot of new things in this Module 1..i hope I can finish my Module 1 and now I am ready for the other Modules too.

Hope to see you again in the next entry…bye..

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