Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Sixth Week Reflection

Hi & salam to all….hehe..
This week, is about the first assignment that had been assigned to us. “The first module”. I think this week is the starting to work harder and harder. It is because; the work has been increased from week to another week. The work was not only from this subject but also from the other subjects as well.

Do you want to know the due date for this module? We have to finish up this module by 30th of August, and it is just another 2 weeks from now. Therefore, I should focus more on how to divide my time to finish my work and also other works as well. Sometimes I start to think deeply, am I able to finish this module. But, Mdm Foziah has mentioned that we will be having another four modules in this course. Hence, I should just think to finish these modules and indirectly learn the technology tools such as, how to download certain things, extracting pictures and so on.

I realized that, this module and the upcoming modules are really useful for us in developing new resources for primary students in the classroom. It is because, I just have to look on every slideshow in the module and it will make me to try it on myself. This is about a self learner. It can save a lot of time and it is really motivate me to absorb more new knowledge.

In conclusion, I hope that I can finish Module 1 on time and I can learn more new things about the new technology tools that are really useful for me.

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