Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Fourth Week Reflection

My fourth week of this class was a precious moment in my life. It is because; I have learned so many things like how to download a song, video and other resources which can be used as my teaching materials in the classroom later. Madam Foziah also has taught us a new application which is moyea, a youtube downloader. Before this, I had to use different kinds of software to download the videos from youtube, but now, i can easily use this kind of software. All of us should know that the youtube has a lot of video sources especially in education filed. Therefore, this kind of software has helped us especially for future 21st century teacher like me. But before we learn about the new application and software, we were given some explanation about the continuation of presentation by other groups about”Working with Young Learners”. There were some subtopics like Children Capacity for Indirect Learning, Children Instinct for Play and Fun, The Role of Imagination and The Instinct for Interaction and Talk.

Besides that, Madam Foziah also has taught us about the “prt sc” button on the keyboard which is can be used as a copier of a webpage and can paste it on the power point presentation or in the Microsoft word office. At the end of our class, Madam asked us to complete a tutorial task. In this tutorial task, we are required to complete three power point presentations on how to search and download a song, lyric and also the video. We were asked to work individually and send it in a cd next week.
In conclusion, I enjoyed towards this week of this course and I hope that I will be more success and will absorb more new knowledge throughout this semester and the rest of my life.

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