Thursday, September 2, 2010

WEEK 8 Reflection

Its already in week 8. But, this week class has been canceled by our lecturer Mdm Foziah due to some problems.

Although, this week class has been canceled, there are tasks from Module 3 have been given to us to be done in 2 weeks raya holiday. Therefore, the raya break will be raya on Module 3..hehe..

It is common for a student life, where the holiday is given for us to relax and at the same time for us to study or doing some assignments.

Here are some descriptions about the tasks in Module 3. We were asked to form a group of five. We were asked to prepare 4 lesson plans. There are 3 lessons of 30 minutes lesson and an hour lesson. I’m really hoped that, we can complete these tasks during the 2 weeks holiday…

Besides that, were asked to prepare some teaching aids for any year from year 1 to year 6 and for any topics. We were reminded by Mdm Foziah that the teaching aids must be interesting, colourful in order to catch the pupils’ attention.
In this entry, I would like to wish selamat Hari Raye Aidilfitri to all Muslims and happy holiday to all…

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