Monday, July 26, 2010

My Third Week Reflection

The third week of this course was about the Teaching English in The Primary Classroom. We were given a task regarding to this topic. We were asked to prepare a power presentation in group, and present it at the last period of class. Before that, we were assigning to six different groups and we were asked to discuss thoroughly first in thirty minutes. My group had presented a subtopic which is the Instinct for Interaction and Talk which is under a topic of Working with Young Learners. In this subtopic, we were telling the audience that the important of the interaction among pupils and teachers. Besides that, we had presented the role of teachers in delivering the learning and also some sample activities that can be applied in the classroom. After the presentation, there was a question and answer session among the audience. We were also be given some feedback regarding to our presentation, which include how are we going to improve our presentation next time and so on.

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