Saturday, July 17, 2010

PEH 080001 (AHMAD FIKRI BIN AHMAD DARJI) My First Week Reflection

The first introduction of this course had taught me some useful information. Pn Fohziah asked us to prepare at least an 8gigabyte tumbdrive or an external hard drive to keep our own resources of teaching, notes and others. We were told that, the teachers nowadays need to prepare ourselves with a lot of teaching aids for our collection and make our work easier. Recently, the syllabus of the primary English course in primary schools will be modified in order to enhance the interest of the pupils with English language. For your information, English language is an important language in communicating with others and for globalisation purposes. Moreover, the government wants the educators to fulfil themselves with a lot of things before entering to schools. This course however will let me know a lot of information and other things which need to be instilled.

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